This newsletter is a continuation of casting down thoughts and not people. I don't want us to become an object of rebuke from our Lord Jesus because we lack the courage to confront evil practices. Or think we have a level of grace that can tolerate sin rather than call for repentance. God gives grace to the humble and resists those who are prideful.
As we stand for truth in the love of God, we shouldn't be quick to call out names. I don't want to be the one to throw the first stone. And I don't want to be found with a plank in my eye when the other has a toothpick or nothing at all that is blocking the saving grace of Christ crucified.
Neither am I opposed to calling out names like Paul did on occasion. But we are called to rightly divide the word of God to be shown as a good student of the whole counsel of God and not elevate scripture that we are naturally drawn to while ignoring scripture that doesn't fit our narrative.
Paul called people out by name at times. But John, the disciple that Jesus loved, is also a signpost on the narrow path to eternal life with God and his Son. John said that no one needs to hear from another man to know the truth because the spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit, leads us into all truth. John was not endorsing the contemporary thought that in our current day, the gifts to the church apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher would no longer be needed. John gave a simple message: if we seek God with all our hearts, we will find him even within a dysfunctional church and society. God has our back even when the people of God do not. We have no excuse for walking away from the church Jesus established because we got hurt. We are to pray to our Father who is in heaven, not my Father and me, while home alone.
John also stated that it is evident to those who belong to Christ to see and know the children of God and the children of the devil. John didn't call out names even when Jesus told John that Judas was the man who would betray him.
However, we will not rob Paul of his witness and revelation because we prefer John's witness and revelation. There are no contradictions in scripture, only our erroneous understanding. The Spirit of Truth knows the whens and hows. We need ears to hear and a mouth that is sanctified only to speak what we should talk about and how we should say it.
Paul did call out names, and I will when I'm sure it is God's will, and my eyes have been cleared of all debris of my own sinfulness and limited understanding. As God clears my head and vision, and as he washes my feet, I am to turn and do the same. As he is, so are we in this world.